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Do you travel to student’s houses? 

No.  Students will have questions in their lessons that can be easily answered or demonstrated through the use of various resources.  I have many of these resources in my library of books, CDs and other tools.  These questions don’t occur in every lesson but having ready access to the answers is a tremendous benefit to the student.  I also have access to two pianos in the studio.  This is a benefit because:  

                         I can demonstrate passages, posture and hand position without displacing the student

                         I can play along with students to help them hear differences in rhythm and pitch

                         Allows for the exploration of repertoire for two pianos

                         Allows for students to prepare concerto repertoire


Do you offer recitals? 

Yes!  The days, times and locations of those recitals will be shared well in advance for planning purposes. 


Are recitals mandatory? 

No!  But, they are a good idea for the sake of celebrating progress. 


Should I sit in on my child’s lesson? 

Student and parent comfort is extremely important to me.  If you would like to sit in on the lesson, you are welcome to do so but I do ask that interjections be kept to a minimum that that observers refrain from using any loud devices or taking phone calls in the lesson.  Otherwise, parents are encouraged to enjoy the waiting room.   


Do we need to sign up for a 3 month session?  Can we sign up for less?  I do require at least a 3 month commitment.  In that amount of time you will begin to see a student’s true progress.  Most people have a very successful first month of lessons.  The second month is a little tough and the third starts to even out a bit. Summer lessons can be flexible based on family schedules.


Do you accept all forms of payment? 

At this time, I am able to accept cash and check.


What about books?  

Bring whatever books you have to your first lesson and we will pick from there what we will work from.  As students grow, I will recommend books and can call them in to a local music store to be put on hold for you to purchase and pick up.  If you are a beginner with no books, I'll determine what books are appropriate at our first lesson.


Do you offer trial lessons?

Yes!  A free trial lesson can be arranged based on availability.  The trial lesson does not need to be at an ultimate lesson time.  Contact me for more details!


Where are you located?

The Belmar neighborhood of Fitchburg.  The studio is just off Seminole Highway, south of the belt line and near Dunn's Marsh.

© 2018 by Erudite Music, Fitchburg Wisconsin

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